Types of Psychedelic Experience

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A psychedelic experience, commonly referred to as a trip, entails a transient altered state of consciousness induced by the ingestion of psychedelic substances, with LSD, mescaline, psilocybin mushrooms, and DMT being among the most prevalent. For instance, an acid trip results from the consumption of LSD, while a mushroom trip stems from the use of psilocybin containing mushrooms. These experiences involve perceptual shifts, including visual distortions and a subjective loss of self-identity, often interpreted as mystical occurrences. The predictability of psychedelic experiences is inherently elusive, ranging from intensely pleasurable (termed a good trip) to distressing (referred to as a bad trip). The outcome of a psychedelic journey is profoundly influenced by factors such as the individual's mood, personality, expectations, and surroundings, collectively known as set and setting, and well as the amount of the substance ingested (the dosage).

As mentioned above, the type of psychedelic experience is primarily controlled through dosage, set, and setting, as well as the substance(s) involved. Exact dosages are substance specific, but the type of dose can be described in many ways which may at first sound confusing, such as micro, threshold, mini, museum, low, medium, moderate, high, very high, heroic, ultra, or mega. The “set” is refers to the mindset of the person including thoughts, mood and expectations. The “setting” is the physical environment one takes the substance in. The substance itself can influence the mindset through preconceived notions, its name, texture, flavour, or lack thereof, and its particular psychoactive properties will of course contribute to the type of experience, including the duration, sensations, progression, and physical feelings.

While the set, setting, and dosage work together towards fostering the best mix for the intended experience, it is easiest to organize the type of experience in order of dosage, from lowest to highest:

Utilitarian or Performance Enhancing

At the lower end of the scale, with the micro, threshold, and mini doses. The experiences tend to be more utilitarian – that is to be compared more to the usage of things like tea, coffee, energy drinks, vitamins, supplements, and nootropics, but some people have also used these doses to reduce their dependency on pharmaceutical medications. While these dosages rarely involve perceivable effects, users have reported definite improvement in mood, motivation, mindfulness, and creative problem solving, as well as aiding in leadership, and athletic performance.

Recreational Use

The museum, concert, small, low, or sometimes even medium doses are sometimes used recreationally for such things as improved art and music appreciation (hence the “museum” or “concert” dose), but also as an alternative to other recreational substances such as alcohol or cannabis.

As the dose increases, the user is more likely to experience pronounced altered perceptions, which could become overwhelming depending on the setting, so make sure to go easy, and know your limits. (See also managing an overwhelming psychedelic experience).

For higher doses, careful consideration of set and setting is essential, and it is recommended to have an experienced guide (or facilitator) to “hold space” for the individual. These experiences are typically either medical when part of psychedelic assisted therapy, involving professional support and therapeutic frameworks, or spiritual when part of an entheogenic ceremony, typical rooted in specific cultural or spiritual traditions. In both contexts, the presence of a guide enhances safety and provides valuable support for individuals navigating the intensified and transformative nature of higher-dose experiences.

types_of_psychedelic_experience.1702350857.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/12 03:14
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